
School Photos - Hoot Gibson Visit
Former astronaut Hoot Gibson visited Peter Howell Elementary to share captivating tales of his space adventures and emphasize the importance of STEM fields. Mr. Gibson engaged with students by signing autographs, taking pictures, and answering questions from all grades. The event kicked off with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for our school's garden, where seeds previously sent beyond Earth's atmosphere were planted by our principal and the esteemed astronaut.
Former astronaut Hoot Gibson signs an autograph for a girl with short blue hair
Former astronaut Hoot Gibson pets Howell's chicken
A group of students listen to former astronaut Hoot Gibson, and raise their hands to ask him questions
Howell's principal and former astronaut Hoot Gibson plant seeds that were sent into space
Former astronaut Hoot Gibson hugs a young girl after his presentation
School Photos
Howell custodian Gilbert Garcia holds beloved school chicken, Lucy, outside by her coop.
A Howell student smiles as she holds Lucy in the library.
Lucy the chicken follows custodian Gilbert Garcia down the hallways of Howell Elementary.
Lucy the chicken enjoys reading books, especially ones about chickens!